1 Introduction

This document defines Part 2: Profiles of the Musical Work Right Share Notification Choreography standard (MWN) and was developed by the member organisations of the Digital Data Exchange, LLC (DDEX). Any organisation wishing to implement this (or any other DDEX standard) is required to apply for an Implementation Licence. The terms of the licence and an application form can be found here and here.

Part 1 of the Musical Work Right Share Notification Choreography standard defines messages to enable companies to exchange data about musical works, including data for the identification of musical works as well as to request data about control of right shares in musical works from rights holders (or their agents) of such right shares and for the rights holders (or their agents) to provide such data back.

However, the nature of the data that needs to be communicated in such messages can vary according to the nature of the business transaction the communication is supporting. The message syntax is defined in detail in Part 1 of the MWN standard, however the data contained in a message communicating rights and usages of a musical work sent by a rights holder to a CMO or a record company would differ substantially from the data in a notification of rights conflicts sent by a CMO to a rights holder. In order to aid companies that only wish to implement a subset of the functionality of the standard messages defined in Part 1 of the MWN standard, DDEX has developed this series of “profiles”.

This document therefore defines a number of Profiles for communication of data for common types of business or operational transactions, using Version 1.3 of Part 1 of the MWN standard. The document also provides a summary of the differences between each of the Profiles.

Complete and valid sample XML files supporting these Profiles are available for download from the Knowledge Base.